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From the League of Nations to UNESCO: 100 years of intellectual cooperation

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This HiStories episode marks 100 years since the establishment of the International
Committee on Intellectual Cooperation in 1922 at the League of Nations. Protagonists of
the League of Nations’ work in the field of intellectual cooperation included prominent
scientists and intellectuals such as Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Henri Bergson, Sarvepalli
Radhakrishnan, Jagadish Chandra Bose, Nitobe Inazo, and Gabriela Mistral.
The work of the Committee and other components of the Intellectual Cooperation
Organization paved the way for the creation of UNESCO today.

Join us to learn about:
• The nature and legacy of the League’s work in the field of intellectual cooperation.
• The state of research on intellectual cooperation.
• The archival collection on intellectual cooperation found at the UN Archives Geneva.

Online -
Kaiyi Li
Speakers, members of HION