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Mr Jonas Mikkelsen enrolled at SOAS September 2014 with a thesis working title of 'The Role of the Executive Head (EH) in Intergovernmental Organizations'. His research is in particular focused on the nexus of the relationships of the EH towards the political world of members states, non-member states and other multilateral actors and the inward one towards the more bureaucratically inclined Secretariat. He is also interested in how the role of the executive head is organized, be it through cabinets or split responsibilities between individuals, and how the work is practically carried out.

Mr Mikkelsen has worked in management of inter-governmental organizations since 2005, when he joined the International Development Law organization (IDLO) in Rome, Italy. Previously he worked in the financial services sector in his native Denmark. Mr Mikkelsen is currently Second Deputy Director at the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and has been with ODIHR since May 2018.

Mr Mikkelsen originates from Copenhagen, Denmark, holds a BA in History (2001) and a BSc in Economics (2004) from the University of Copenhagen. He has an MSc in from the University of Rome ‘Sapienza’ (2008) in Statistics and Economics, a Postgraduate Diploma in Business and Administration (2014) from the University of Manchester.
