Fields of Expertise
Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo (PhD King’s College London, 2008) is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Social Studies-University of Coimbra, and an Assistant Professor at the New University of Lisbon (Portugal). He was a researcher at European University Institute (2008), a Visiting Assistant Professor at Brown University (2011 and 2012) and a Visiting Scholar at King’s College London (2012-2013).
His research interests focus on the comparative and connected histories of imperialism and colonialism (XIX-XX centuries). Recently, he has been working on themes such as (1) the politics of difference in European colonial empires, namely the ideological and institutional instruments of engineering and legitimizing the political and socioeconomic differentiation within colonial empires; (2) the historical intersections between internationalism(s) and imperialism, namely in the interwar period, focusing on the League of Nations and the International Labour Organization and on the role played by internationalist and imperialist epistemic communities and pressure groups, and their interaction; (3) and the entanglements of idioms, programs and repertoires of development and modernization and of societal control and coercion at late European colonial empires, exploring their connected trajectories of repressive developmentalism.
In 2010 he published Livros Brancos, Almas Negras. A “Missão Civilizadora” do Colonialismo Português, c. 1870-1930. In 2012 he published A Diplomacia do Imperialismo. Política e Religião na Partilha de África (1820-1890) and edited O Império Colonial em Questão. In 2014 he co-edited Portugal e o fim do Colonialismo. Dimensões internacionais and, in 2015, The ends of European colonial empires: Cases and comparisons. He recently published The “Civilizing Mission” of Portuguese Colonialism (c.1870-1930) (Palgrave, 2015). He is the coordinator of the international collective research project Internationalism and Empire: The Politics of Difference in the Portuguese Colonial Empire in Comparative Perspective (1920-1975). He is also co-editor of the book series História&Sociedade at Edições 70.