Fields of Expertise
I hold a PhD in History from Panteion University in Athens, a DEA in Anthropology from EPHE in Paris, an MPhil in Cultural Information Systems from the University of Crete, and a BA in History and Archeology from the University of Ioannina. I am postdoctoral fellow at the University of Peloponnese and teach modern history at Panteion University in Athens. My PhD dissertation dealt with the "Greek Orthodox immigrants from the Ottoman Empire to the USA and the foreign policy of the Greek State from 1890 to 1927".
My research focuses on issues of migration, development and ethnicity. My current project deals with the history of the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM). I aim at analyzing the convergence of migration debates and policies under the auspices of the US after WWII and the immigration policies of the receiving states with an emphasis on Brazil.
Journal Articles
· “Immigrants from Macedonia in the USA: From translocal to transnational subjects”, Archeiotaxio, Athens July 2009, pp. 37-54.
· “Confronting the menaces from the East: the United States’ policy during the Greco-Turkish war of 1919-1922”, Istorika, V. 27, no. 52, Athens July 2010, pp. 51-72.
· “Greek State initiatives to colonize Pontic Greeks in Southeastern Europe before the Greco-Turkish Exchange of Populations”, Mnimon, Athens 2013, pp. 151-176.
Book Chapters
· “The Role of Nationalism Ethnicity and Class in Shaping Greek-American Identity”, in Identity and Participation in Culturally Diverse Societies - A Multidisciplinary Perspective, edited by Assaad Azzi, Xenia Chryssochoou, Bert Klandermans & Bernd Simon, London, Blackwell/Wiley, 2010, pp. 9-31.
· “From the Ottoman Empire to the United States of America: Identities and Identifications among Greek-orthodox immigrants before WWI. Balkan Nationalisms and Nostalgic Ottomanism”, in Socioeconomic and Political Developments in the Greek-orthodox community in the Ottoman Empire and emigration from Anatolia and Cyprus, 19th century-1930, Gorgias Press, Princeton, New Jersey, (forthcoming).
· Introduction in the English translation of Nikodim Pavlovich Kondakov’s Macedonia, an Archaeological Expedition, Saint Petersburg, 1909, Purdue University Press (forthcoming).
Published Conference Proceedings
· “The uprootedness as an ethnic marker and the introduction of Asia Minor as an imaginary “topos” in Greek films”, Ottoman Legacies in the Contemporary Mediterranean: the Middle East and the Balkans Compared, European Forum at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2013, pp. 335-353.
· “The “Floating Homeland”: The Ship as a “Connectivity Space” in Greek Migrant and Public Discourse”, Tales of Transit Narrative Migrant Spaces in Transatlantic Perspective, 1830-1954, New Debates in American Studies series, Amsterdam University Press, 2013, pp. 45-58.
· “The formation of Modern Greek Diaspora: Greek State’s policies towards Greek immigrants in the USA during the first quarter of the twentieth century”, The Nation beyond Borders, Center for the Research of Minority Groups, Vivliorama, Athens, 2013, pp. 219-252.
· “The construction of American Hellenism as a reaction to the xenophobic climate in the USA after the end of WWI”, Immigrants in Greece· a factor of progress or a plague, Society for the Study of Modern Greek Culture and General Education, Athens, 2014.
· “Volunteers and draft dodgers among Greek immigrants in the United States of America”, Volunteers in the Balkan and European fronts during the second decade of the twentieth century, Cyprus University, Nicosia, (forthcoming).
Edited volumes
· The correspondence between George Papandreou senior and Kyveli Zographidou, (forthcoming).