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Articles and Books

Sandrine Kott, Eva-Maria Muschik and Elisabeth Roehrlich (ed.), International Organizations and the Cold War. Competition, Cooperation and Convergence, London, Bloomsbury, 2025. Sandrine Kott
Historical perspectives on the International Labour Review 1921–2021: A century of research on the world of work Dorothea Hoehtker
Cannabis amnesia – Indian hemp parley at the Office International d’Hygiène Publique in 1935 Farid Ghehiouèche, Michael Krawitz Kenzi Riboulet-Zemouli
WHO’s first scientific review of medicinal Cannabis: from global struggle to patient implications Michael A. Krawitz Kenzi Riboulet-Zemouli
The Italian members of staff of the International Labour Organization: a collective biography (1919–1939) Valerio Torreggiani
Placing Internationalism International Conferences and the Making of the Modern World Mike Heffernan, Jake Hodder, Benjamin Thorpe Stephen Legg
Night on Earth. A History of International Humanitarianism in the Near East, 1918–1930 Davide Rodogno
Organiser le monde. Une autre histoire de la guerre froide Sandrine Kott
Transnational Administration of Regional and Global Policies Diane Stone Kim Moloney
Crashing Waves and Rising Tides: The Case for UN 2.0 Antonio Donini
Social Reform, Modernization and Technical Diplomacy. The ILO Contribution to Development (1930–1946)
GATT and Global Order in the Postwar Era Francine McKenzie
Mit Gott, für Vaterland und Menschheit? Eine europäische Geschichte des freimaurerischen Internationalismus (1845–1935) Joachim Berger
Creating Space for Public Administration in International Organization Studies David H. Rosenbloom Kim Moloney
ILO Library: knowledge centre on the world of work Edit Horvàth
Challenges Confronting Whistleblowing and the International Civil Servant James S. Bowman, Jonathan P. West Kim Moloney
Beyond the State: Global Policy and Transnational Administration Diane Stone Kim Moloney
Building a Global Representation of Trade through International Quantification: the League of Nations’ Unification of Methods in Economic Statistics Roser Cusso
Reading Room: Eric Drummond and his Legacies Professor James Cotton
Mapping Internationalism: Congresses and Organisations in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Marco Van Leeuwen Martin Grandjean
Eric Drummond and his Legacies: The League of Nations and the Beginnings of Global Governance David Macfadyen, Michael D. V. Davies, Marilyn Norah Carr, John Burley David Macfadyen, Michael Davies, John Burley
Oxford Handbook of Global Policy and Transnational Administration Diane Stone Kim Moloney
Planning in Cold War Europe. Competition, Cooperation, Circulation (1950s-1970s.) Michel Christian, , Ondrej Matejka Sandrine Kott
The Institution of International Order: From the League of Nations to the United Nations Alanna O'Malley, Simon Jackson
Les réseaux de la coopération intellectuelle. La Société des Nations comme actrice des échanges scientifiques et culturels dans l'entre-deux-guerres Martin Grandjean
War veterans as transnational actors: politics, alliances and networks in the interwar period Ángel Alcalde Angel Alcalde
Papal Diplomacy by Proxy? Catholic Internationalism at the League of Nations’ International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation, 1922–1939 Cormac Shine
Partial Two-Way Mirror: International Organization Budget Transparency Rayna Stoycheva Kim Moloney
The Diplomacy of Decolonisation, America, Britain and the United Nations during the Congo crisis 1960-64 Alanna O'Malley