Fellow/Senior Lecturer
Fields of Expertise
Forthcoming 2014, Soft Power of Japan’s Total War State: The Board of Information and the National New Agency, 1934–45, Dordrecht: Letters of Republic.
2012, Japan’s News Propaganda and Reuters’ News Empire in Northeast Asia, 1870–1934, Dordorecht: Letters of Republic.
2002, Internationalizing the Pacific: The United States, Japan and the Institute of Pacific Relations in War and Peace, 1919–45, London: Routledge.
Recent journal articles
2013, ‘When Democracy is not enough: Japan’s information policy and mass politics in diplomatic and economic crisis in the 1930s’, The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, vo1. 11, Issue 15, no. 1, April 15, pp. 1–15: http://japanfocus.org/-Tomoko-AKAMI/3926
2008, ‘The emergence of international public opinion and the origin of public diplomacy in Japan in the inter-war period’, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, vol. 3, pp. 1–30.
2006, ‘In the name of people: welfare and societal security in modern Japan and beyond’, Asian Perspective, vol. 30, no. 1 (Spring), pp. 157–190.
2005, ‘Nation, state, empire and war: problems of liberalism in modern Japanese history and beyond’, Japanese Studies, vol. 25, no. 2 (September), pp. 119—140.
2002, ‘Between the state and global civil society: Non official experts and their network in the Asia-Pacific, 1925–45’, Global Network, vol. 2, no.1 (January), pp. 65–81.
Recent book chapters
2014, ‘Beyond empires' science: Inter-imperial Pacific science networks in the 1920s’, in Madeleine Herren ed., Networking the International System, New York: Springer.
2013, with Anthony Milner, ‘Australia in its Region’, in Stuart Macintyre and Alison Bashford eds, The Cambridge History of Australia, Vol. 2, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2013, with Jirō Okamoto, ‘International organizations in Asia and the Pacific’, in Bob Reinalda ed., Routledge Handbook of International Organizations, London: Routledge.
2013, ‘The nation-state/empire as a unit of an analysis of the history of international relations: A case study in Northeast Asia, 1868–1933’, in Isabella Lohr and Roland Wenzlhuemer eds, The Nation State and Beyond: Governing Globalization Processes in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, New York; Springer.
2013, ‘Projecting a fiction of the nation-state to the world: the Manzhouguo News Agency in the Japanese occupied Northeast China, 1932–45’, in Ines Podhol and Frank Gunter eds., Northeastern China’s Interactions with the World in the First Half of the Twentieth Century, New York: Springer.
Forthcoming, ‘The ocean as a medium for inter-imperial collaboration: scientists’ networks across and in the Pacific Ocean in the 1920s’, Otto Hein ed., Oceanic Archives and Transnational American Studies, Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press (submitted in May 2013).
2008, ‘From the centre to a periphery: Honolulu and the Pacific Community’, in Jon Davidann ed., The Crossroad in the Pacific, Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press.
2007, ‘The making of an empire of information: Dōmei tsushin in Japanese information policy in Southeast Asia, 1935–1945’, in Ronald D. Holmes ed., Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Southeast Asia: Progress and Challenges through Half-a-Century, Quezon City: Philippine Social Science Council, pp. 98–144.
2007, ‘New Liberalism as a missing link: Australia and Japan’, in Masayo Tada and Leigh Dale eds, On the Western Edge: Comparisons of Japan and Australia, Perth: API Network, pp. 35–54.
2007, ‘The nexus of the nation-state and the empire: Reconsidering the League’s order and Japan in the inter-war period’, in Asahiko Hanzawa ed., Japan and the UN in International Politics: Historical Perspective, Sapporo: Hokkaidō University Graduate School, pp. 33–84.