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Joachim Berger

Research Coordinator

Research Coordination


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selected publications:

Mit Gott, für Vaterland und Menschheit? Eine europäische Geschichte des freimaurerischen Internationalismus (1845–1935), Göttingen 2020 (available in print and open access:

Edited work:
On site, in time. Negotiating differences in Europe, ed. for the Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) by Joachim Berger, Irene Dingel and Johannes Paulmann, Mainz 2016ff. URL (open access): (German version: Ortstermine. Umgang mit Differenz in Europa,

Selected articles and book chapters:
The great divide: Transatlantic brothering and masonic internationalism, c. 1870–1930, in: Atlantic Studies. Global Currents 16 (2019), 405–422. DOI (closed access): 10.1080/14788810.2019.1570446; last proof (open access):

»Une œuvre internationale d’un caractère humanitaire«: The Appeal to Humanity in International Masonic Relations, in: Fabian Klose / Mirjam Thulin (eds.), Humanity. A History of European Concepts in Practice From the Sixteenth Century to the Present, Göttingen 2016, 231–248. DOI (open access): 10.13109/9783666101458.231.

Regimes of Territoriality: Overseas Conflicts and Inner-European Relations, c. 1870–1930, in: Journal for Research into Freemasonry and Fraternalism 4/1 (2014), 101–115. DOI (closed access): 10.1558/jrff.v5i1.26558.