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David Webster

Fields of Expertise


Associate professor, History, Bishop's University, 2013-

Assistant professor, International Studies, University of Regina, 2009-12

Kiriyama postdoctoral fellow, Center for the Pacific Rim, University of San Francisco, 2008-09

SSHRC postdoctoral feelow and instructor in International Relations, University of Toronto, 2006-08

Harris Steel postdoctoral fellow, History, University of Western Ontario, 2005-06

Ph D in History, University of British Columbia, 2005





2009. Fire and the Full Moon: Canada and Indonesia in a Decolonizing World. (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press).


Edited books and journals


2013. John Meehan and David Webster, eds., “A Deeper Engagement: People, Institutions, and Cultural Connections in Canada-China Relations,” special issue of the Journal of American East Asian Relations 20 no. 2-3.


2007. Co-editor (with Geoffrey Hainsworth and Sarah Turner), “Indonesia in the New Millennium: Securing Democracy and National Unity,” special issue of Asia Pacific Viewpoint 48 #1.


2004. Collection editor, East Timor Testimony (Toronto: Between the Lines).


2001 Co-editor (with Leslie Butt), “West Papua: Survival or Elimination,” special issue of Tok Blong Pasifik 55 no. 1.


Refereed journal articles


2013. “Languages of Human Rights in Timor-Leste,” Asia Pacific Perspectives 11 no. 1 (August): 5-21.


2013. “Self-Determination Abandoned: The Road to the New York Agreement on West New Guinea (Papua), 1960-62,” Indonesia (Cornell University) no. 95 (April): 9-24.


2013. “After the Missionaries: Churches and Human Rights NGOs in Canada’s Relations with China,” Journal of American East Asian Relations 20 no. 2-3: 216-33.


2011. “Development Advisors in a Time of Cold War and Decolonization: The UN Technical Assistance Administration, 1950-1959,” Journal of Global History 6 no. 2: 249-272.


2011. “Petrolio, Imperi e Nazionalismo Economico: il Saskatchewan e l’Indonesia a confront, 1944-1963” [“Oil, empire and economic nationalism in Saskatchewan and Indonesia, 1944-63,”] 900: Per una storia del tempo presente (Italy) no. 4: 59-83.


2010. “Canada and Bilateral Human Rights Dialogues,” Canadian Foreign Policy 16 no. 3: 43-63.


2010. “Self-fulfilling prophecies and human rights in Canada’s foreign policy: the case of East Timor,” International Journal 65 no. 3: 739-750.


2010. “Narratives of Colonization, Decolonization and Recolonization in Papua,” paper no. 3.


2009. “Modern Missionaries: Canadian Postwar Technical Assistance Advisors in Southeast Asia,” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 20 no. 2: 86-111.


2009. “Canadian Catholics and the East Timor Struggle, 1975-99,” Historical Studies 75: 63-82.


2009. “Regimes in Motion: The Kennedy Administration and Indonesia’s New Frontier, 1960-1962,” Diplomatic History 33 no. 1 (January): 92-123.


2007. “History, Nation and Narrative in East Timor’s Truth Commission Report,” Pacific Affairs 80 #4 (2007): 581-91.


2007. “From Sabang to Merauke: Nationalist Separation Movements in Indonesia,” Asia Pacific Viewpoint 48 no. 1 (April 2007): 85-93.


2005. “Islam and Cold War Modernization in the Formative Years of the McGill Institute of Islamic Studies,” International Journal of Canadian Studies 32: 15-43.


2003. “Non-State Diplomacy: East Timor 1975-99,” Portuguese Studies Review 11 no. 1 (Fall-Winter): 1-28.


2001. “ ‘Already Sovereign as a People’: A Foundational Moment in West Papuan Nationalism,” Pacific Affairs 74 no. 4 (Winter 2001-02): 507-28.


1999. “Colonial Rhetoric: The Dutch East Indies and Indonesian East Timor,” Brock Review 7 no. 1-2 (1998/99): 101-18.




Refereed book chapters


2014 (January). Eyeing the Indies: Canadian Relations with Indonesia, 1945-1999, in Modern Canada: 1945 to Present, ed. Catherine Biggs (Toronto: Oxford University Press).


2012. “Race, Identity and Diplomacy in the Papua Decolonization Struggle, 1949-1962,” in Race, Ethnicity and the Cold War: A Global Perspective, ed. Philip Muehlenbeck (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press).


2009. John Meehan and David Webster, “From King to Kandahar: Multilateralism and Conflict in the Pacific, 1909-2009,” Canada Among Nations 2008: 100 Years of Canadian Foreign Policy, eds. Robert Bothwell and Jean Daudelin (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press).


2006. “Dari Sabang sampai Merauke: Gerakan Pemisahan Nasionalis di Indonesia” [“From Sabang to Merauke: Nationalist Separation Movements in Indonesia,”] in Drama Indonesia: Ketidakpastian di Tengah Globabalisasi [Indonesian Drama: Uncertainty in a Globalizing World] eds. Geoffrey Hainsworth & Bakti Setiawan (Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Gadjah Mada University Press).