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Marco Bertilorenzi

Associate Professor



I am an associate professor in business and economic history at the University of Padova. In my researches, I tried to merge the analysis of business with the one of international organisations, focusing on these latter as means to spread business practices and informal rules of the game according to a neo institutional approach. For my researches on aluminium industry, in particular, I used, along with business archives from several countries, documents from the League of Nations, the United Nations and Unctad, the OECD, the International Chamber of Commerce, the European Commission. I am now exploring the history of commodity futures trading, adopting the same approach to sources.


Bertilorenzi M., The International Aluminium Cartel. The Business and Politics of a Cooperative Industrial Institution, 1886-1978, London & New York, Routledge, 2016, 390 p.

Bertilorenzi M., "Futures of Europe. The City of London’s Commodity Exchanges, the European Economic Community, and the Global Regulation of Futures Trading (1960s–1980s)", Enterprise and Society (forthcoming)

Bertilorenzi M., "From Cartels to Futures. The Aluminium Industry, the London Metal Exchange, and European Competition Policies, 1960-1980", Business History, vol. 62, n. 5, (2020), pp. 782-814

Bertilorenzi M., "Business, politics, and finance. The rise and fall of international aluminium cartels, 1914-1945", Business History, 2014, vol.56, n.2, 2014, p. 236-269

Bertilorenzi, M., "The International Chamber of Commerce. The organisation of free-trade and market regulations from the interwar period to the 1960s", in Coppolaro L., Mechi, L. (eds), Free Trade and Social Welfare in Europe, New York & London, Routledge, 2020

Bertilorenzi M., Telesca G., "The Changing Ideas about Valuation Mechanism in the Interwar Period. Toeplitz, Marlio and the ‘Great transformation’", in G. Mallard, J. Sgard (eds) Contracting Beyond Boundaries: Private Regulation of International Trade and Finance in the Twentieth Century, Cambridge University Press, 2016, p. 249-286

Bertilorenzi M., "Legitimating cartels. The joint role of the League of Nations and of the International Chamber of Commerce", in Fellman S., Shahannan M. (eds), Regulating Competition: Cartel Registers in the Twentieth Century World, New York & London, Routledge, 2016, p. 17-48.