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Valerio Torreggiani

Research Fellow

Institute of Social Sciences

Fields of Expertise


Valerio Torreggiani is research fellow in history at the Institute of Social Sciences (University of Lisbon). He received his PhD in History of Europe (19 th -20 th centuries) from the Tuscia University of Viterbo. He has been post-doc fellow in Economic History at Roma Tre University, visiting fellow at Institute of Social Sciences (University of Lisbon) and he is a member of NETCOR (Network for the Analysis of Corporatism and Organized Interests), ESHET (European Society for the History of Economic Thought) and LISE (Laboratorio Italiano di Storia Economica). His main research interest is the trans-national diffusion of corporatist ideas, analysed under an interdisciplinary political, economic, juridical and cultural perspective, with a specific attention to the British world in the first half of the 20 th Century. On this topic he has authored several articles and essays in international journals and volumes as well as a monographic book titled Stato e culture corporative nel Regno Unito (Giuffré, 2018). He is now working on a research project titled "Corporatism and the International Labour Organization: Actions, Networks and Hybridization, 1919-1939".



  • Stato e culture corporative nel Regno Unito. Progetti per una rappresentanza degli interessi economici nella riflessione inglese della prima metà del XX secolo, Giuffré, Milan, 2018.
  • Istituzioni, capitali e moneta. Storia dei sistemi finanziari contemporanei (with L. Conte), Mondadori, Milan, 2017.


Edited books

  • Imperia. Lo spazio mediterraneo dal mondo antico all’età contemporanea (with G. Conte, F. Filioli Uranio, F. Zaccaro), InFieri, Palermo, 2016.


Articles and book chapters

  • The Italian Members of Staff of the International Labour Organization: A Collective Biography (1919-1939), in «Journal of Modern Italian Studies», 2022.
  • Corporatism in Early Twentieth-Century Britain: Three Alternatives for a Post-Liberal Order, in «Contemporary European History», 2022.
  • Pluralism, Tripartism and the Foundation of the International Labour Organization, in A.M. Cunha, C.E. Suprinyak (eds.), Political Economy and International Order in Interwar Europe, Palgrave, London, 2020, pp. 213-248.
  • Governar a Modernidade. A representação corporativo-empresarial no projeto dos concelhos industriais ingleses de entreguerras, in C. Viscardi, A. Gori (eds.), Corporativismos: experiências históricas e suas representações ao longo do XX século, in «Tempo» (forthcoming, 2019)
  • Interessi agrari, istituzioni economiche e il ruolo dello Stato. La bonifica fascista e l'itinerario di Arrigo Serpieri e di Giuseppe Tassinari (with G. Sabatini), in F. Amore Bianco P. Nello (eds.), Alla ricerca della terza via. Politica, economica, istituzioni dal primo al secondo dopoguerra, Pisa University Press, Pisa (forthcoming, 2018)
  • A Travelling Intellectual of a Travelling Theory. Ramiro de Maeztu as a Transnational Agent of Corporatism, in A.C. Pinto, F. Finchelstein (eds.), Authoritarianism and Corporatism in Europe and Latin America. Crossing Borders, Routledge, London (forthcoming, 2018).
  • Associazionismo, mutualismo e cooperativismo nell’Italia liberale, in G. Maifreda (ed.), Storia del lavoro in Italia. L’Ottocento, Castelvecchi, Rome (forthcoming, 2018).
  • Corporatism and the British Constitutional Heritage: Evidences from the History of Ideas , in «Estudos Historicos», vol. 31, n. 64. Corporativismo e neocorporativismo, 2018, pp. 151-172.
  • Gli anni londinesi di Ramiro de Maeztu e le influenze del New Age Circle: un caso di circolazione transnazionale delle teorie corporative (1905-1919), in «Studi Storici», anno 58, n. 3, 2017, pp. 755-786.
  • The Making of Harold Macmillan’s Third Way in Interwar Britain, 1924-1935, in Salvador, A.G. Klostvedt (eds.), New Political Ideas in the Aftermath of the Great War, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2017, pp. 67-85.
  • Il corporativismo nelle esperienze inglesi degli anni Trenta. Auto-governo industriale e rappresentanza degli interessi, in «Memoria e ricerca», n. 3, 2016, pp. 540-560.
  • Rediscovering the Guild System. The New Age Circle as a British Laboratory of Corporatist Ideas, 1906-1916, in «Revista Oficina do Historiador», vol. 9, n. 2, 2016, pp. 25-42.
  • Towards an Orderly Society. Capitalist Planning and Corporatist Ideology in Britain in the Great Slump, 1931-1934, in «Journal of European Economic History», vol. XLV, n. 1, 2016, pp. 67-97.
  • Il pensiero corporativo in prospettiva transnazionale. Una rassegna di line interpretative, in A. Gallia (ed.), Itinera. Nuove prospettive della ricerca storica e geografica, Centro Italiano per gli Studi Storico-Geografici, Rome, 2016, pp. 139-147.
  • Decentralising Political Powers: G.D.H. Cole and Guild Socialism Reaction Against the State, 1910-1920, in A. Biagini, G. Motta (eds.), The First World War. Analysis and Interpretations, vol. 2, Cambridge Publishing Scholars, Newcastle 2015, pp. 239-252.
  • Nuove prospettive di ricerca sul corporativismo in Europa, in «Nova Historica», 13, n. 51, 2014, pp. 111-124.